Here are a few problems I saw with the handling of this case:
1. The Sheriff department the Husband of the victim world investigated the crime- Never should someone or agency so close to the victim be lead investigator of a case. There should have been a neutral third party investigating from the beginning.
2. Even when the local police department and 3 females all said to look at Gregory Allen, the Sheriff department continued to only investigate Avery.
3. The victim could not read the statement she was signing and could not validate what the Sheriff department had written. However, she was still urged by the detectives to sign anyway.
4. The Sheriff detectives continuously lead and suggested that Avery had been the assailant to the victim. Avery was fit into the crime.
5. A law enforcement investigation is supposed to view a suspect as innocent until proven guilty. However, in this case, Avery was seen and treated guilty from the very beginning. The Sheriff department had a confirmation bias attitude during the case. Evidence and facts were twisted to describe Avery, while other facts regarding his innocence were ignored.
Writing and Communication can help solve some of these issues by being a permanent record of events that have occurred. Instead of a situation of he said/she said, written record provides physical evidence of a conversation, as well as, a video recording of any interviews and actions taken. Law enforcement is multi factored. There are many players in any given case- the investigative body, prosecution, defense, judge, and jury. Having an open mind and an nonjudgemental attitude when communicating and listening is key to any successful case
I was relieved when technology was finally advanced enough to do additional testing and was accepted in a court of law. Technology can be used to combat human error, but humans still tell it what to analyze. After everything surrounding the case, to have the evidence conclusively exclude Avery and be a direct match to Allen was like a slap in the face to Law enforcement agencies nation wide.
Before viewing this documentary I had heard a story on Fox News about the inconsistencies of the documentary and actual events. No matter where we, as readers, get our information from we have to look at multiple sources to get the bigger picture.
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